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Tahoe Victims of CPS is... A JOKE!!!!

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If there is any imformation that you would like that we have not included on this web site, please let us know.

CPS does not care what ethniticity you are, how old you are, or even how many children you have... They do however care if you have less money than the rich. They are quick to prey on the weak - people with less money. Not to say it is only the less fortunate, but mainly.

Our Organization

Our organization is by the people, for the people, and about the people. All of YOU are a part of it. If you have ever had to deal with CPS, you are a victim. This is true in many ways. Although, you find more discrimination, falsehoods, and back stabbing within this organization 


Go with us to the Board of Supervisors meetings where we will go and tell our stories

These meetings are not where to go to get anything accomplished. Yes, your word is on a document but nothing comes about it. It is just a ploy to get grieving parents aquainted with other grieving parents to participate in infedility.

     call for details........

I used to have the story of my precious son on here...
but, with further dealings in this "organization" I have come to know that  it has only hindered my relationship with him. CPS is very powerful and Ernie Claudio is out there brainwashing the parents of these children into thinking that he is what's good; like he has some kind of power or authority. These niave parents who are completely distraught, swarm into his web of deceit and conceit and get entangled into a sea of stop signs, cancelled visits, court reports reflected around this clown, and CPS social workers who realize that these parents are easily persuaded.

One step at time, one person to yet another, reform WILL happen. We CAN make it happen. 

Tahoe Victims of CPS P.O.Box 7455
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158