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Tahoe Victims of CPS is... A JOKE!!!!

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Now we're getting to the 'good' stuff!

We are asking the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors to endorse the passage of this Parents Bill of Rights by the California Legislature...........

  1. Parents shall be entitled to their choice of a court hearing; by a commissioner, judge or a jury trial of their peers. By peers, the jury shall consist of persons with annual incomes no more or less than 10% of that of the parents.
  2. Parents shall have the option of their hearing being closed or open to the public.
  3. The constitution guarantees the right for  proper defense in a court of law. Parents shall have the right to hire an attorney of their choosing and Child Protective Services (CPS) shall pay the attorney his or her normal customary fees.
  4. The constitution guarantees the right to obtain favorable witnesses. Parents shall be entitled to hire expert witnesses to testify on their behalf and CPS shall pay the expert his or her normal customary fee for examination, investigation and testimony in court.
  5. Parents will have the right to remain silent and both refuse entry/inspection of their home and the right to refuse the interviewing of their children without a court order.
  6. The constitution guarantees the right to confront all witnesses. CPS will eliminate the use of anonymous callers to seize children.
  7. NO child shall be taken from his parent(s) and placed in foster care unless there is overwhelming evidence of actual severe abuse or neglect. Possible or potential abuse/neglect shall not be cause for taking a child from his parent(s).
  8. Parents shall not be subject to required interveiws or court ordered drug testing that interfere with their work or school schedules.
  9. For CPS mandated classes and appointments; CPS shall reimburse parents' actual costs including transportation, babysitting, ect. Plus, minimum wage for all travel time.
  10. Parents shall be allowed secretly without prior permission to tape record conversations with CPS representatives.

Bringing something like this to the Board of Supervisors only made them laugh. They don't even have the power to implement such things. The law was written long before Ernie Claudio was even born and if he thinks that he's going to get something like this implemented, he really should go to higher authorities and find out exactly what he;s doing before filling peoples' heads with nonsense.

The types of reform we are trying to have enacted include but are not limited to.......

1. Fair and unbiased legal representation
2. Programs designed to keep children in their home
3. CPS following through on court mandated orders
4. Proper justification of legally abducting children
5. Awards (more money) for returning children to their parents
6. Foster parents having to undergo same treatnment as bio-parents RE: psychological evaluations, consistent parenting classes, urinalysis', anger management and any other the social worker decides to throw out
7. Ask now, take later ~ get the facts
8. Judge or comissioner that is not a rubber stamper (pawn who does whatever CPS wants)
9. No more anonymous referrals

 Please feel free to just stop by the table at one of our rallies and get some information. Knowledge is the key to success!!

We would like any information on Pro-Bono attorneys that anyone may have.....

Our future rallies will be:
There aren't anymore rallies scheduled as of yet. Please check back frequently.... 

We will update this page frequently so be sure to check back!


Tahoe Victims of CPS P.O.Box 7455
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158